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Theta network- Blockchain for streaming video

Tue, 27 Feb 2024, 11:38 am UTC

Theta Network is the next-generation media, AI, and entertainment-focused blockchain. Theta Web3 infrastructure enables existing video and media platforms to generate revenues and reduce content delivery costs. Theta is fully compatible with EVM and Ethereum smart contracts

It is a dual network composed of two subsystems

Theta Blockchain - It introduces a novel modified BFT consensus mechanism that allows more nodes to participate in the consensus process without affecting scalability and throughput. It includes a committee of 20-30 enterprise validator nodes and thousands of consensus nodes called guardians. Validator nodes propose and finalize the new block while Guardian Nodes seal blocks and act as a check on malicious nodes.

Guardian node-

The minimum token amount to a stake is 1,000 THETA. The minimum hardware requirements are:

Internet speed: 5Mbps+ up and down

CPU: 4 cores or more

Memory: 16 GBytes or more

Theta Edge- In addition to the validator and Guardian nodes, Theta community members introduced Theta Edge nodes. It is a fully decentralized network of data storage and delivery. It helps to execute various types of jobs including AI.

Theta Metachain- The Theta Metachain is an interconnected network of blockchains, a "chain of chains". It consists of one main chain and an unlimited number of "subchains". Both chains are EVM compatible and use TFuel as a gas token. The goal is to allow permissionless horizontal scaling of the Theta blockchain network to achieve potentially unlimited transactional throughput, and 1-2 seconds, or even sub-second block finalization time.

THETAUSD surged more than 95% in the past five days. The pair holds above the short-term (21 and 55 EMA) and above the long-term moving average. It hit a high of $2.200 and is currently trading around $2.132.

The bullish invalidation can happen if the pair closes below $0.85. On the lower side, the near-term support is $2. Any break below targets $1.60/$1.15/$1. significant downtrend if it breaks $0.85.

The pair's near-term resistance is around $2.27. Any breach above confirms minor bullishness. A jump to $2.70/$3 is possible. A surge past $3 will take it to $4.35.

It is good to buy on dips around $1.65 with SL around $1 for TP of $3/$4.25.

TokenPost | [email protected]

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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.


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Great article. Requesting a follow-up. Excellent analysis.